(Source: Microsoft https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/rooms/room-planning-guidance?tabs=emtr)
Microsoft is making a big push for building its Signature Teams Rooms. Microsoft Teams Rooms are the next generation of communication. The idea is to create an environment that fosters creativity and collaboration. These rooms are designed to be the perfect place for teams to work on their projects and collaborate in an efficient way.
What is a Signature Teams Room?
For Microsoft's hybrid workplace, the next generation of room standards is informed by the needs of both remote participants and in-person attendees. Meetings held in Signature Teams Rooms foster more personalized and meaningful connections while making everyone feel included, represented, and productive. They are designed to deliver an elevated hybrid meeting experience. Using Teams Rooms software, hardware, and configuration guidance, the team room follows a set of principles.
Based on a set of experience principles, the signature Teams Room concept consists of two key goals.
Goal 1: Everyone in the meeting feels included, represented, and productive.
Design principles:
Remote participants can establish a genuine presence in the room
In-room participants can retain their individual identities in the meeting
All meeting participants can engage in boundaryless collaboration.
Goal 2: Connections feel natural and immersive.
Design principles:
Experiences are scaled for human connection, enabling interactions that feel like everyone is in the same room.
The first step is to decide whether you want to build a Microsoft Teams Room from scratch or if you want to update an existing space with some components that already exist, such as a display, conference table, and so on.

(Source: Microsoft https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/hybrid-meetings-room-design?tabs=signature)

Microsoft Teams Rooms can be deployed to any existing meeting space. In these spaces, a whiteboard, corkboard, and a projection system are generally available for presenting content from a device. It simplifies the pre-meeting setup for presenters and makes remote users equal participants by integrating audio-visual hardware and existing furniture.
The Signature Teams Rooms are not intended to replace all other meeting spaces within your organization, but to supplement existing Microsoft Teams-based meeting spaces. They should be deployed strategically within your organization to the spaces and locations where face-to-face interactions with remote meeting participants will be most valued.

This room features a curved table with participants seated on one side, allowing in-room participants to retain visibility of each other and be positioned face-to-face with remote participants.
This space will comfortably fit six to eight people. You'll need a space that's approximately 25 feet wide by 14 feet deep.
The Signature Teams Room shown in the images above requires specific placement of Teams Rooms devices to create the best hybrid meeting experience.
When should you deploy this room type?
As an addition to existing meeting spaces that use Microsoft Teams, Signature Teams Rooms are not meant to replace all other meeting spaces within your company. Face-to-face interactions with remote meeting participants should be deployed strategically within your organization to the best locations and spaces.
Microsoft Teams Rooms will continue to deliver people-centric hybrid meeting experiences made available through software updates. In order to optimize some Signature Teams Room experiences, hardware technologies and room configuration guidance are essential. It's the combination of these components that comprise a Signature Teams Room. If you intend to transform Microsoft Teams Rooms into Signature Teams Rooms, you must first evaluate how many you want to transform.
In what capacity does this space function?
An immersive Teams meeting experience is offered in this space for a small group of people.
Just like a typical Microsoft Teams Room, meeting participants are able to meet remotely and locally to work together seamlessly while both presenting and co-creating content.

Cameras: how do they work?
In order to capture everyone in the room, an ultrawide-angle camera is positioned below the displays in the front of the room.
The ultrawide-angle camera features intelligent tracking of meeting participants so they can be represented individually in a large view instead of as faces within a large image of the entire room.
(Read More: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/rooms/room-planning-guidance?tabs=emtr)
COLCOM has a strong partnership with Microsoft and the following hardware partners. With the support of COLCOM, an AV (Audio Visual) integrator, you can expect to install Microsoft Signature Teams Rooms seamlessly.
If you're not sure whether to choose the traditional or Signature Microsoft Teams Rooms, we can help.
Get in touch with us for the best solutions.